
Showing posts from March, 2019

My Mood Board

For my coursework i chose to do brief one which is to make an educational magazine aimed at an audience of 10-13 year old children.For my chosen brief I have to create a front cover with a double page spread containing at least 5 original images,an original title,strapline,cover price,barcode,edition number,at least 3 cover lines and an article for the double page spread.The feature article should be approximately 300 words and should relate to one of the 3 cover lines.The target audience is 10-13 year old people; my magazine will appeal to people of this age because through my research that I conducted most people prefer practical based tasks which is what I will include in my science magazine. In this post I will be exploring the different types of fonts,images and colours.I will be able to understand the different connotations of each of these and what effects they have on the consumer.This will influence how my target audience views my product.Through creating my mood boards I wi...

Audience Profile

How audiences can be categorised-Social class,gender,age,race,religion It is important for media producers to categorise audiences because it helps them understand who there product appeals to and what needs to be included in the product to make sure the consumer keeps on buying it. I have chose to do brief one and my target audience is 10-13 year old people and the magazine must be a form of education. From this target audience I can understand that the magazine should be made for entertainment purposes and the content could have comedic parts to it as well as informative. ------------ ------------------ From my research findings I can infer that the majority of 14 year old females find that biology is the best type of science.Since a lot of people prefer biology my cover pictures will include some biology topics in it.I will make sure to include a blue colour scheme in my cover and on the background of my article because that is what is expected by the researc...

Media Theories Research

In this post I intend on researching how media theories can be applied in magazines.This will help me understand how media theories can be applied to my magazine. ------------ In this cosmopolitan magazine front cover the feminist 'male gaze' theory can be applied because the woman is depicted in a sexual manner.This is typically used to appeal to males as it is used for visual pleasure. In this vogue cover it has a picture of Michelle Obama on it the uses and gratification theory can be applied to this because she is a recognisable figure around the world and a role model to many people.This means that people might see the cover and want to mimic her and copy some of her characteristics to shape their own personal identity. On this magazine cover it shows an Afghani girl who was living in a refugee camp; the reception theory can be applied to this because the preferred reading of this is to raise awareness about the war issues around the world.However if a consum...

Intertextuality Information

In this post I intend on finding out how intertextuality can be used to shape my magazine. In this magazine cover is using intertextuality because it is a take on the ghost busters.It is recognisable world wide which means the audience will be able to understand the point of it and would want to know more about it.The ghost buster theme has been used to show how women are becoming more influential and the use of Trump being a 'ghost' shows us how he is portrayed as unwanted. In this cover of the Big Issue the cover line says 'What's the worst that could happen' this saying is internationally recognised for being said in movies with the genre of comedy.This is used to appeal to consumers because people use the media as a form of entertainment most of the time so this would be interesting top read about; especially with all of the political news in the world at the moment. This edition of the Big Issue magazine is referencing to the music...