
Showing posts from April, 2019


7 May-I will take pictures in the science department with help of peers. 14 May-Focus on editing my pictures using photoshop. 21 May-I will write up cover lines and start writing my article. 4 June-I will continue to write my article. 11 June-I will finish off my article. 18 June-I will start to design my front cover and experiment with different designs. 25 June-I will continue completing my front cover.  2 July-I will finish my front cover. 9 July-I will start transferring my article onto the double page spread page. 16 July-I will add my images as well as any extra writing. 23 July-I will spend this lesson going through both my cover and my double page spread in order to make sure I am completely happy with my final product and I will make any edits if necessary. ----------------- It is important to produce a schedule when working on a project because it helps you manage your time and make sure all elements of the brief are met at a good standard.The 3 activities t...


My magazine is based around science so I do not intend on having people in the pictures.This is because I believe it will take away the attention from the main practicals that my magazine is based on.So instead on my front cover I will use pictures of science related items that will appeal to my target audience as given by the brief.I plan on using images that contain tasks such as chemical reactions. ------------------ In my cover I might use someone's hand in order to model a potential dissection or mixing of chemicals.If I choose this route my model will most likely be wearing a science coat and gloves.The gloves will insure that no conventions of race and ethnicity are passed on.I might decide to use someone older for this because it will imply that an older person can potentially teach you as my target audience for my brief is 10-13 year old children.

Location Information

In this post I intend on finding out which location will be used for the production of the photos I will be using in my magazine.This will give me a clear idea of where I would like to take my pictures and how I will take them as well as all of the pros and cons surrounding the locations. --------------- Location 1: -The science labs on the F floor in Harris Chafford Hundred Academy. -The labs have many tables in there so it may be slightly uncomfortable for the production process. -The location is suitable because it contains all of the suitable equipment I will need to suit the theme of my magazine. -This location has many safety hazards. location 2: -At home I can produce images for my chosen brief. -In my home I have many facilities which will help me shoot and conduct the production process.     -However there can be safety hazards due to uncomfortable spacing. --------------------- From my research on the different locations I have available to use I ...

Product Style Profile

In this task I will be creating sketches that should reflect what my magazine will be like and how I will create it.I believe making these sketches are important because they will influence my creative decisions.These decisions include things like how my magazine will be laid out and the overall design of it. ----------- The sketches were very helpful with helping me choose a design for my front cover because the feedback my peers gave me helped me understand what conventions my different illustrations were showing.This gave me an insight into what is necessary in my production for my magazine.Through this process I have learnt how to maximise the space I have for my front cover.